Saturday, December 25, 2010

What My Christmas was Like..part 2

My big present was a camera which I took most of the photos with and a Tomas Sabo charm
(the football one)

The Christmas tree!

Everyone opening presents!
This made the dog very upset for some reason..

and onto all my presents!
Yummy cotton candy!!
(the bad not the laptop, that was last years)
The worlds coolest Christmas socks
The worlds ultimate re-gift.
My mum received this as a present from her students the week before and then I found it in my stocking :P
The Christmas Stockings

Hope everyone got good pressies!

What My Christmas was Like..part 1

Another year, another Christmas hope everyones is as fun as mine!
we sat down to a beautiful table and a great meal.

and very very very good food!

I got a new camera for Christmas, so be prepared to be bombarded with pictures.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Traumatic Experience I had Today


I just barely survived.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What Makes Oct. 16 Important?

It's my sisters birthday!

Happy birthday to the best sister in the world!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

What I'm Watching

The IT Crowd.
This show about an IT departement in a large bussiness firm actually makes me wish I worked in IT. Roy and Moss are the two IT guys that no everything about computers and video games and nothing about social interaction, Jen the Head of IT who knows nothing about computers, and Richmond, the guy behind the red door.

I have spent the last few days watching all four short season of the show, and am in love with it!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Makes Me Wish..

I was apart of the Spanish football team.

Must be fun to be them.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Ruined Prague for Me

"Prague is gorgeous!""Prague is like Budapest only better!"
"Prague is the nicest city in Europe!"
Everyone told me how beautiful Prague was, and once I arrived there, all I could think of was, "this is it?"
While the Old Town is very pretty and there are some nice sites, it is just not as great as everyone over hypes it to be.

I stayed at the Hilton, which is a nice hotel, but they charge for everything! The only saving grace of the hotel were the ridiculously comfy beds that were much needed after power walking the whole city in order to see everything between work breaks.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Rumors are Finaly True

Ever since I moved to Hungary in 2001 people have been talking about a startbucks coming to Budapest every year.
There was always a rumour but it never came true, heck, two years ago there was a rumor that one was here, but it was no where to be seen.All false leads...

Until now.

Thats right all you annoying coffee addicts, despite all the great places here to get coffee you can finaly get the American overpriced chain version of a coffee shop! woohoo!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

day 6,7,8,9

Day 6: stretching
day 7: looking ruff but getting fit!
Day 8: Hulk Hogan better watch his back
Day 9: With the weights at my bosses house.

I did day 10 but I have no picture from it, starting level 2 tomorrow, hopefully!

Day 4

I seem to have left out day 4, opps

First Ever Alic in Wonderland Movie

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 5

Two days late, will post day 6 and 7 later today.
had no weights so I used cans of food :P

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 3

ok, im just showing off in this picture, but the camera clicked before i could fully get my leg up!

Unfortunately I don't have time to do the exercises today, but, I did a great amount of walking yesterday, going from budai gyongi to mammut and back, and today i was out walking at the kids science museum.
I will make up for it tomorrow!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 2

So this picture is a little unflattering.
my muscles are sore, but feeling good!

I should also add, my starting wieght was 55kg. I am hoping to get down to 50kg.
main body goal is to tone my tummy and lose the muffin top!

NBC Sucks at Sports Reporting

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 1

Exercises weren't to hard, and now I feel great!
I'm dong this one:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

30 Day Shred

Decided to get into shape by doing the 30 day shred.
I am going to try and post a picture a day to show what i hope will be progress.
here is my before:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Miss My Grandparents

Alfred Hitchcock and his grandchildren.

Monday, February 1, 2010

What You Should Vote For


  • Make educational content easily available to students online.
  • Schools can earn additional funding through online content.
  • Teachers have opportunity to suppliment their income.
  • Homeschooled and Traditional students have accessible education.
  • Give teachers an outlet to create video lesson plans and post online.


This project, yet to be named, is inspired by the open content movement making education available to students of all ages. It also addresses the need for homeschoolers and traditional students to have diverse educational opportunities on the same subject matter. We also recognize the poor economic situations where teachers are underpaid for what is a pivotal role they play in the lives of students and the future of our country. We see schools with less and less funding and feel we may have a solution to offer teachers the ability to post their lesson plans using video and other digital media and students more diverse educational opportunities that are accredited and can be used both as study tools as well as supplement homeschooling programs. The teachers have the opportunity to earn additional income for their lesson plans and the schools they work for can earn a portion to supplement their funding needs.


Online repository for video and multimedia lesson plans.

How will the 250K be Used?

$ 50000 Provide Flip video cameras to schools to help produce online content.
$ 150000 Design, develop, test and launch online application.
$ 50000 Market online program to schools and students.

Go vote!

What is in My Dream House

isn't this just the coolest staircase ever!